Partner Organizations

Ricchezze Umane: an international network of professional experts

We are members of ASD – the Association for Social Development – an organization that unites coaches, trainers and consultants across the world, all of whom pursue an anthroposophical approach in a corporate setting. The community has a presence in every continent, and includes over 120 highly experienced professionals.

 We are partnered with the following Organizations:

LUMO: a Brazilian company that consults on developing culture and leadership within organizations. The approach it adopts involves connecting the power of each individual “I” as a way of strengthening the “We” of the entire company’s organizational structure.

IMO International: an institution for personal and organizational development. Its headquarters are in the Netherlands, with offices also in Germany, Finland, Italy, Russia, Switzerland, Israel, Brazil and China. Its approach is based on horizontal leadership.

AXIALENT: a world leader in transforming culture within organizations. It specializes in work with multinational corporations, developing a business that is more conscious, more sustainable and, as a result, more effective. 

NALM: this new adult learning movement is a network of professionals dedicated to researching adult learning processes in an innovative manner. The human being is seen as the integration of physical body, soul and spirit.

CPC: the “Comunità di Pratica di Coaching”, or Coaching Practice Community, was the first community of professional coaches set up in Italy. It was founded in Milan in 2007. As well as a place of exchanging practices, the CPC conducts research into Coaching and Supervision between colleagues.